Honoring Baker alongside Martin Luther King would highlight the long and patient work of building a social movement.
Social movement ecology can help groups with different organizing traditions work together to pursue change in a time of hostile government.
Is Muhammad Yunus selling ''free market'' neoliberalism in the guise of liberal do-gooderism?by Mark Engler
From fare strikes to sick outs, movements are deploying a variety of creative tactics to disrupt business as usual.by Mark Engler
Does Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine hold water?by Mark Engler
Having experienced recent mass mobilizations, some community organizers are interested in questioning the old divide between "movements" and "organizations"—and in harnessing the power of both.
Talk to Ai-jen Poo about her work and it won't be long before you hear language you don’t often hear in the midst of intense social movement campaigning.by Mark Engler
Reconsidering Poor People's Movements in the wake of mass uprising.
Lessons from late-Cold War cinema for the post-9/11 era.by Mark Engler
Like those of Black Lives Matter activists today, King’s methods were widely criticized—even when they were effective.
Where insider politics fails, a transformational approach can turn the impossible into the inevitable.
Seventy years old this week, the veteran sage of sustainable agriculture has made a life of stewardship, "staying home," and turning off the computer.by Mark Engler
On the politics of food.by Mark Engler
A wave of disruptive protest fifty years ago helped put women’s liberation on the map—and showcased a radical feminist vision that remains relevant in the age of Trump.
The strengths and limitations of prefigurative politics.
Doesn’t supply and demand dictate that new immigrants will steal jobs and drive down wages for U.S. citizens? A leading immigration economist explains why not.by Mark Engler
The real question is not whether the government should spend on job creation. It is whether the government has been spending well.by Mark Engler
How creating a healthy "ecology of change" can help propel social movements.
The sexist job ads of the 60s are gone, but female-dominated jobs are still vastly undervalued today.
How Thomas Friedman gets it wrong about globalization. An excerpt from How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy (Nation Books, 2008)by Mark Engler
Alex Rivera, director of the new film Sleep Dealer, imagines the future of the Global South.by Mark Engler
Can theories of movement cycles equip activists to persevere over the long haul?
The contested legacy of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers.
Did the 1999 protests against the World Trade Organization actually make a difference? Yes. Here's how.by Mark Engler
Why the market fails in calculating the true cost of our dependence on oil.by Mark Engler
Deciding the time has come for direct action to stop global warming.by Mark Engler
In his new "financial history of the world" a historian famous for celebrating empire turns to praise the wonders of capital.by Mark Engler
How Dr. King might have responded to current crises of recession, unemployment, and foreclosure.by Mark Engler
A review of Political Fictions by Joan Didion.by Mark Engler
A journey into Television City.by Mark Engler
Assessing the state of the World Social Forum after five years.by Mark Engler
The fiction of Wendell Berry.by Mark Engler
With a new film, the Yes Men carry forth their gonzo brand of anti-corporate activism.by Mark Engler
All over the world, truly democratic approaches are bubbling up from the grassroots.by Mark Engler
Supporting 'clean clothes' campaigns to end the exploitative labour practices that pervade the textile industry is not as simple as just picking the 'right' brand to buy.by Mark Engler
"How the INS Stole Three Days of My Life." A testimonial from Behrooz Arshadi, as told to Mark Engler.by Mark Engler
Why it matters to remember the Iraq War's civilian victims.by Mark Engler
A review of Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer.by Mark Engler
The Church of Stop Shopping hits the road.by Mark Engler
A series of post-9/11 reflections.by Mark Engler
A report from outside the 2002 annual meetings of the IMF/World Bank in Washington, D.C.by Mark Engler
Florida sugar growers milk taxpayers, farm workers, and endangered wetlands.by Mark Engler
A review of Rebecca Solnit's Field Guide to Getting Lost.by Mark Engler
A week in review from the Republican National Convention, inside and out.by Mark Engler
Why the city will—and should—demonstrate against the Republican Convention.by Mark Engler
A consideration of human rights in liberation theology, published in the Journal of Religious Ethics (Vol. 28, Issue 3).by Mark Engler
Most Recent
Two of the most important recent developments in US politics have come from social movements involving schools. Each has a different look and generational profile, but they are united in a common tactic: the use of disruptive power.