Story after story, fueled by leaks from former security contractor Edward Snowden, is uncovering a U.S. surveillance empire with unprecedented reach and breadth.
War / Militarism
When American presidents let the bombs fall, they have plenty of support from those who make the bombs.
Rather than facing unpleasant facts about runaway surveillance programs, lawmakers have preferred to kill the proverbial messenger.
Are you between age 16 and 60 in a part of the global South targeted by the Pentagon? Until proven innocent, you're counted as a combatant if hit.
A radical proposal would go well beyond controlling the most aggressive semi-automatic rifles and curbing arms sales to the world's worst dictatorships. It would also demand a change in our political system.
Protesting Ten Years of Indefinite Detention
Many agree that the V-22 Osprey is a major bust, so why does the government keep authorizing spending on it?
We cannot rely on catastrophe to save us.
Should the "War on Terror" come to an end?
How on earth do you get a bipartisan consensus against cuts and for stimulus? Call it the defense budget.