A review of Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer.
The Church of Stop Shopping hits the road.
A consideration of human rights in liberation theology, published in the Journal of Religious Ethics (Vol. 28, Issue 3).
On the divided reaction to the announcement of Pope Francis I.
The “preferential option for the poor,” the once-radical idea that God identifies with the oppressed and impoverished, has been mainstreamed as Catholic theological doctrine.
With a White House that uses El Salvador as a model for Iraq, we still have much to learn from the assassination of Archbishop Romero twenty-five years ago.
The departed Pope's vision of an alternative globalization should challenge narrow debate about "moral values."
The Free Trade Area of the Americas meets the Other Catholicism.
Gibson's vulgar, anti-Semitic rant upon his arrest for drunk driving should prompt reexamination of The Passion of the Christ.
How the Center for the Working Poor began.