Despite the cynics, social movement uprisings are producing some remarkable wins.
Social Movements
Popular uprising have ramifications that go beyond immediate legislative results, and they can alter the climate of political debate.
Like Bernie Sanders today, Martin Luther King, Jr. considered launching a presidential campaign to oppose military interventionism and promote democratic socialism. Here’s why he decided against it.
Protests work when they escalate, refusing to be silenced. And right now, urgent cries for racial justice must not go unheard.
Sometimes those who are creative and daring — those who paddle hard and bring enough friends — prevail in spite of cynics and detractors.
Society as a whole is bearing the true cost of the company’s misbehavior.
If the country is to be redeemed, it will depend on those who dissent—those who are now using their bodies to blockade bridges and highways.
Despite the demonstrated power of sacrifice and disruption, it is rare that groups risk either in significant measure — and even rarer that the two are combined in thoughtful and creative ways
People Power Brought Down the Berlin Wall—Can it Defeat Corporate Rule?
by Mark Englerby Mark EnglerCan people power also be successful in defeating the more diffuse evils of oligarchy and corporate rule? -
Every so often, we witness a period of mass insurgency that seems to defy the accepted rules of politics