Around 2.3 million US citizens are behind bars -- a number that dwarfs any other country.
Global Economy
Is the U.S. teetering on the edge of bankruptcy?
The movement can propel significant changes. But #OccupyWallStreet and its allied occupations still have a ways to go before realizing their potential.
The expanding rights of corporate “people” are creating an ever-greater gap between America's democratic ideals and political reality.
Would we not be a more humane, more responsible country if we spent far less on arms?
State taxes on the highest earners have not caused the wealthy to flee, and they have helped prevent some painful social service cuts.
Mark Engler quoted in a Danish article on debt.
Pitfalls When Right and Left Agree. (Translation into Arabic by
Market-based thinking has imperiled the planet and created the need for a democratic rebirth, argues Raj Patel in The Value of Nothing.
A review of The Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border.