Cambiare la storia per adattarla alla situazione attuale è una cosa che l'amministrazione Bush fa senza vergogna, come è successo con il rapporto della Commissione Verità in El Salvador.
Mark Engler
Mark Engler
Mark Engler is a writer based in Philadelphia and an editorial board member at Dissent magazine. His latest book, written with Paul Engler, is entitled This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century.
Der zehnte Jahrestag der zapatistischen Erhebung war jedoch ein wegweisender Zeitpunkt für eine Mexikoreise.
Die wahren Stimmen der internationalen Bedenken beim G8 Gipfeltreffen werden von der Straße kommen.
The World After Bush (in Indonesian)
De CAFTA is zelf het perfecte voorbeeld van een “vrijhandels”-verdrag dat in werkelijkheid juist de democratische vrijheden ondermijnt.
The model of "free trade" and development promoted in Washington failed poor countries under Clinton, and is failing them under Bush.
A Review of Freedom Dreams by Robin D. G. Kelley
If you want an indication of how deep the WMD scandal goes, just look at what the apologists admit about the "real reasons" for war.
Cities must resist the federal crackdown on noncitizens in the United States.