If the country is to be redeemed, it will depend on those who dissent—those who are now using their bodies to blockade bridges and highways.
Mark Engler
Mark Engler
Mark Engler is a writer based in Philadelphia and an editorial board member at Dissent magazine. His latest book, written with Paul Engler, is entitled This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century.
People Power Brought Down the Berlin Wall—Can it Defeat Corporate Rule?
by Mark Englerby Mark EnglerCan people power also be successful in defeating the more diffuse evils of oligarchy and corporate rule? -
Savvy organizers use mass actions as choice opportunities for recruiting.
The use of militarized police squadrons has long been an escalating and racially loaded trend.
With a grim job market and soaring debts, new graduates face the prospect of long-term indenture to the banks.
Fifty years ago the Civil Rights Act was passed into law in the United States.
Reactions to a surprise best-seller on economic inequality.
While making cars more energy efficient is a worthy goal, it is not enough.
Five stars for entertainment, one for politics.
The North American Climate-Change Denier is an invasive species that poses serious risk to other plant and animal life on the planet.