Dagli scioperi delle tariffe alle assenze per malattia, i movimenti stanno implementando una varietà di tattiche creative per interrompere gli affari come al solito.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
Mark Engler is a writer based in Philadelphia and an editorial board member at Dissent magazine. Paul Engler is founding director of the Center for the Working Poor, in Los Angeles. They are the authors of This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century.
Sobre a história da "reforma não reformista".
Sobre la historia de la "reforma no reformista".
Zur Geschichte der „nichtreformistischen Reform“.
Come i movimenti sociali stanno utilizzando il concetto di “riforma non riformista” per promuovere un cambiamento di vasta portata. Ecco come rendere le richieste dei movimenti sia pratiche che visionarie.
Three Times When the World Broke Open—and Two When it Might Again
Having experienced recent mass mobilizations, some community organizers are interested in questioning the old divide between "movements" and "organizations"—and in harnessing the power of both.
Lessons from the Salt March for today's social movements.
Published in Lebenshaus.
Nur wenige wissen, dass Martin Luther King, Jr. einmal eine Genehmigung zum Tragen einer versteckten Handfeuerwaffe beantragt hat.
Der Juraprofessor Adam Winkler von der UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) schreibt 2011 in seinem …
Reconsidering Poor People's Movements in the wake of mass uprising.